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Protein Explained

Understaning The Role of Protein Within The Body

Protein is one of the three macronutrients required to be eaten each day (the other two are carbohydrates and fats). Protein is basically a whole lot of amino acids joined together in a chain formation. Amino acids are what protein is broken down into, in the digestive system of the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of the body - most parts of the body require protein in order to function properly, and not just the muscles. Protein serves as a source of energy for the body and to make up various structural components of the body (such as muscle, bones, fingernails, hair and skin). Protein also has important functional roles in the body - the body uses the protein from foods to create the multitude of protein required in the body. Some of the actions of protein in the body are: to activate enzymes, move skeletal muscles, transportation of various important substance through cell membranes, activate communication of various hormones, provide blood clotting, as well as the regulation of fluid balance and pH. Protein makes up at least 50% of the human body (that is not made up of water).

Sources of protein

The main source of protein for non-vegetarians is meat and meat products:

Fruits, vegetables and grains do not contain a great deal of protein in comparison to the foods above.

Complete and incomplete protein

A food high in protein is considered to be a complete protein if it contains all the essential amino acids in high amounts. Foods high in protein, but which do not have adequate amounts of the essential amino acids are considered incomplete protein. Most meat / fish / eggs and other meat by-products are complete proteins, so most people will get adequate protein and essential amino acids they require, just from eating regular foods. Vegetarians, on the other hand, have a little more work to do in order to get all the protein and essential amino acids they require, as most legumes, beans, nuts, peas are incomplete proteins. In order to make a complete protein, foods that are incomplete proteins need to be combined and eaten together. This is the way that vegetarians, especially strict vegetarians (vegans), normally get their daily protein requirements.

Want to know more?

Types of Protein Powders for Weight Loss

What are amino acids?

What Does My Natural Health and Weight Loss Program Include?

What services does MassAttack offer?

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