Detox Your Body And Feel Fantastic!

Staying Healthy in a Toxic World

Detox Your Body And Feel Fantastic

In our busy modern world, toxins are very common and it is favorable to detox on a 6 monthly basis to decrease free radical damage and remove toxins. Toxicity is literally how poisonous a substance is. Some things are very poisonous, and even a small amount can be very harmful (e.g. arsenic). Many substances are only slightly poisonous, so that small amounts are able to be consumed without harm. However, if you have a large exposure to these milder poisons (e.g. pesticides), then over time they can overwhelm your ability to remove them from your body or "detoxify".

An exposure to several mild poisons at once is much more dangerous than one at a time. One of the bodies defence mechanisms when faced with toxicity is to store the harmful chemicals in your fat tissue, bones and other tissue. This means that these poisons can be stored for many years in our tissues, becoming an ongoing source of ill health.

Two Types of Toxins

Toxins can be classified into two areas, environmental and internal.

Environmental toxins are the toxins that we take in from our environment and include things like heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, food additives, drugs and pollutants. These are present in the air, water and food that we consume.

Internal toxins are those that are generated within your body by unfriendly bacteria, yeasts and parasites in your digestive system. These internally-generated toxins are then absorbed into your bloodstream, affecting your health and vitality.

Your body has mechanisms for eliminating all these toxins, but these mechanisms were designed before our world became industrialised, chemicals became incorporated into the products in our homes and our food became more processed and subject to pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. In today’s modern world it is not surprising that over many years you are likely to produce, consume or absorb more toxins than you can easily get rid of. Eventually your detoxification pathways can become overwhelmed. To avoid this, you need to reduce your exposure to toxins as much as possible and optimise your ability to eliminate toxins day-to-day, rather than letting them build up.

Living the detox lifestyle

There are some simple lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce your bodies toxic load:

  • Exercise: Helps to reduce fat deposits which store toxins in the body and increase lymph circulation which eliminates toxic waste from your cells. For optimum health and detoxification, you should aim for 30 to 40 minutes of exercise three to four times per week (such as brisk walking or swimming).
  • Avoid recreational drugs: The three most commonly used recreational drugs in our society are caffeine, tobacco and alcohol. If you use any of these regularly, then you should make a concerted effort to stop them, or at least cut back.
  • Drink water: One of the easiest things to do to get your system detoxifying better is to drink lots of water. Ideally the water should be as pure as possible, so buy a bottle or get a filter. Drink at least 2 litres of water per day, more if it is hot or when you are exercising.
  • Detoxify your environment: Try to eliminate or minimise your use of cleaning products (vinegar, bicarb and other natural products are suitable alternatives), antiperspirants with aluminum, pesticides, herbicides, petrochemicals, paints, solvents and hair spray.

Dietary tips to reduce your exposure to toxins

  • Always look for fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables.
  • Avoid packaged and processed foods as much as possible.
  • Eliminate foods containing artificial colours, flavours, additives and flavour enhancers, as well as foods containing hydrogenated fats.
  • Read the ingredients list to ensure that the food does not contain high amounts of saturated fat, gluten and/or sugar.
  • Eat organic foods whenever possible.
  • Foods that are particularly useful for detoxifying are lean protein (eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, lentils), fresh raw fruits (except bananas) and vegetables (except potato), sprouts, greens, whole grains, legumes and seeds.
  • Fresh vegetable juice makes a great addition to the detox diet. If you own a juicer try juicing carrots, apples, ginger, fresh beetroot, celery and lemons.

Signs that you may need a detox

If you are not feeling 100%, a detoxification program will help to eliminate toxins from your body. A natural detoxification program can be one of the most effective strategies for rapidly improving the state of your health as it will help clear toxins out of your body and leave you feeling healthy and energetic. In particular, you may benefit from a detox program if you suffer from:

  • Tiredness or lethargy
  • Allergies or sensitivities
  • Digestive disturbances
  • Poor short-term memory and concentration
  • Mood swings
  • Recurrent headaches

The Three Stage Detox

We recommend a safe, gentle program that will help clear your body of accumulated toxins. The natural supplements used in this program support your body and help it detoxify, allowing your bodies own detoxification and repair systems to function efficiently, without causing any undesirable side effects. Our program is a safe, simple and effective detox that follows a three stage process:

Stage 1 - Remove

This stage focuses on removing “bad bugs” and waste from your digestive system.

Stage 2 - Renew

This stage focuses on your digestive system and kidneys, and also works on alkalising your body. In this stage you will be renewing and rebuilding your digestive lining, as well as replacing the bad bacteria with healthy ones and improving your digestive function.

Stage 3 - Release

This final stage focuses on supporting your liver and helping your body release toxins more effectively.

This detoxification program is the most effective way of giving your body a thorough spring clean and getting you feeling fantastic again!

Detoxifying is serious business however and your safety and comfort during detoxification is important. For this reason, avoid any detox packages that may come in a box from your local health food shop or pharmacy – these types of detoxes may not be suited to your individual needs and may actually leave you feeling sick and tired. You should not attempt to do a detox without guidance and support from a trained Healthcare Practitioner. The first step in our detox program is to complete a comprehensive questionnaire from which we are able to assess which nutritional supplements will be most effective for your particular circumstance.

NOTE: Detox should never be undertaken during pregnancy.

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