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Chronic Fatigue - Causes

Understanding chronic fatigue

Fatigue, Cure weight loss, weight gain, depression, detox, stress, hormones, lose weight naturally

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be a symptom of a more serious health condition that slows your metabolism such as hormonal imbalance or depression. It can also be caused by toxins, inflammation or genetic weaknesses. All of these lead to fat cell sickness - a number one cause of weight gain.

Chronic fatige and hormonal imbalances

Tiredness & fatigue are often the result of underlying health problems and hormonal imbalance such as poly cystic ovarian syndrome, thyroid imbalance, prolonged stress, anaemia and poor dietary intake. These conditions are all directly linked to weight gain in women and could be the underlying factors why you can't lose weight no matter how hard you try.

The pattern of when you suffer from fatigue and tiredness may help to determine the underlying cause of chronic fatigue. If for example, you wake rested but rapidly develop fatigue throughout the morning, you may have an underactive thyroid causing your chronic fatigue. However, if you wake up with a low level of energy and your fatigue lasts throughout the day, you could be depressed, depleted in nutrients, suffer from gut dysbiosis or another underlying health condition triggering your chronic fatigue.

Chronic Fatigue is often a warning sign of an underlying hormone imbalance or also be caused by toxic accumulation. Unfortunately, in our polluted environment, many bodies simply become overloaded. This can result from cumulative exposure to environmental toxins, beginning even before birth. It can result from short-term high-level exposure. It can be the result of lifestyle habits, such as a poor diet, combined with excesses of drugs and alcohol. It can also be the result of toxins generated within the body itself, as in the case of candidiasis, gut dysbyosis and inflammation.

Understanding the relationship between chronic illnesses is easier if we look at them not in isolation, but as part of a whole - being your health.

Chronic fatige and immune imbalances

The way we live is tough on our immune systems. High-fat and high-sugar diets, along with exposures to environmental toxins, can leave our immune systems operating at a low level of chronic stress. This can leave you susceptible to colds or infections. Unfortunately the first response to 'get better' is a prescription of antibiotics to clear up infection. The same antibiotics can begin an unanticipated process that leads to maldigestive syndrome and chronic fatigue.

Antibiotics can deplete the 'good' bacteria that reside in your intestinal tract. Other factors may be involved such as stress or trauma. Regardless which factor precipitates it, a condition develops in which helpful bacteria, called aerobic because they thrive in a high-oxygen environment, are threatened. The opposite types of bacteria, anaerobic, those that do best in a low-oxygen environment, begin to dominate the abdominal tract. The anaerobic bacterial imbalance has two significant implications. First, a low oxygen environment is perfect to stimulate the growth of yeast. Since aerobic bacteria play a role in controlling yeast levels in the intestinal tract, their absence encourages yeast overgrowth, as do the low-oxygen levels. Secondly, aerobic bacteria play a role in the final breakdown of proteins in the digestive tract. When there are not enough aerobic bacteria, mal-digested proteins, in the form of peptides or peptones, the pre-cursors to amino acids, are absorbed into the blood stream and ferried to the liver. The liver can only process amino acids, not peptides and peptones, and so becomes heavy with these indigestible molecules. At this point, the individual is sometimes diagnosed as having Leaky Gut Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue. Perhaps most importantly, the body treats these mal-digested proteins as toxins.

As the level of toxins in the liver continues to increase, your immune system becomes compromised and you experience Chronic Fatigue symptoms. The liver is a major component in the immune system, and it is literally flooded with toxic material, leaving little energy left for processing standard toxins. Additionally, the body has no choice but to use some of this substandard "building material," these poorly digested proteins, for ongoing tissue repair. These proteins, however, are marked as inferior, so that the body can replace them when better material becomes available. A great deal of tissue repair takes place in the joints, and this substandard material can become concentrated there. The individual may now begin to experience fibromyalgia, rheumatoid symptoms or chronic fatigue.

The rheumatoid symptoms can be based on an auto-immune response. Once the body has identified these badly digested proteins as toxic, the immune system begins to make antibodies against those proteins. At this point the individual can begin to develop food allergies, particularly to proteins that are eaten regularly. The proteins are no longer just toxic, but have become immunoreactive, stimulating inflammation and a cascade of cortical hormones as part of a generalised histamine response. Additionally the liver is still under siege from other toxins, released by increased levels of yeast. Often the body will put an autogenic marker on yeast as well, increasing the range of food allergies. By this stage many individuals have been diagnosed with candidiasis, but their food allergies and the initial mal-digestive syndrome often have not have been identified.

Chronic fatige and stress

The impact upon the adrenal system also plays a large role in your total health. It has been recognised that there is a connection between adrenal fatigue & stress or trauma.

Other researchers have also noted the relationship between adrenal function and mal-digestive syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, or chronic Epstein-Barr virus. Mal-digestive syndrome forces the adrenal glands to output more coritcal hormones to try to control the inflammation that it produces. Eventually, since this is occurs with every meal that you eat ... the cortical hormone levels are diminished die off because the system cannot produce them any more - leaving you feeling exhausted.

Low adrenal levels may even be the cause of the initial mal-digestive process. One of the first functions to weaken in functional hypoadrenalism is the digestion. With poor digestion and nutrient uptake these patients often exhibit multiple allergies due to incompletely digested proteins entering the blood stream.

A circular pattern seems to develop; with adrenal leading to poor digestion, and poor digestion leading to autoimmune disorders, impaired immune function, and suppressed adrenal levels. Dysbiosis (incomplete digestion) and delayed food allergies are almost always present in people with autoimmune disorders. Continued dysbiosis leads to more allergies and serious health disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Natural solutions for chronic fatigue

Naturopathic solutions for chronic fatigue is successful and has helped many women heal their symptoms and achieve weight loss naturally.

With personalized tonics to heal you, professional support to guide you and knowledge to empower you, the energy and inspiration to turn your health, life and weight around is at your fingertips.

But you don't have to continue to suffer. There is something that you can do to support healthy eating patterns, feel better and shed that stubborn weight today!

It's now time to get your whole body health back on track with my simple and powerful 90 Day diet.

I understand and I know how you feel. Many women have come to love my program and with over 30,000 hours of clinical naturopathic experience, I know you will get results.

You know something isn't right. You know it shouldn't be feeling this way. You know you should have more energy and you should feel better.

And now you can.

When you discover how to support your body and eliminate chronic fatigue with a healthy, 100% natural diet and targeted treatment strategy, you will see and feel the results!

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Your Intensive 90 Day Diet ...

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My 90 Day Diet is designed to boost your health with the RIGHT foods and nutrients to help you FINALLY get better again and lose the weight.

If you have chronic fatigue and if you sit back and do nothing about it, then you will gain weight and continue to feel unwell no matter how hard you exercise and how little you eat.

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