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Weight loss programs, lose weight, quick, fast, hormones, women, female, secrets, tips, natural, lose weight naturally

Weight loss programs, lose weight, quick, fast, hormones, women, female, secrets, tips, natural, natural weightloss

Diet For Period Problems

Tailored Programs To Heal Your Body and Stop Period Problems

period problems

Period problems are something everywoman can live without yet, pain heavy bleeding, & irregularities are something that women have to learn to live with.
The upside is your period problems can be improved with the use of natural therapies.

Painful periods (Dysmenorrhoea) can be dull, aching or cramping abdominal pain often extending to the lower back and upper thighs. In more severe cases, symptoms may also include headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting & dizziness.

Lack of periods: (Amenorrhoea) The cause of anenorrhoea is often associated with other underlying health conditions such as pituitary imbalance, thyroid imbalance, stress, and most commonly Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome - all major contributors to weight gain.

Heavy periods: (Menorrhagia) excessive/prolonged menstrual bleeding.
The causes of menorrhagia are often associated with other underlying health conditions such as thyroid imbalance, fibroids, cysts or endometriosis.

All of these symptoms are associated with excessive oestrogen. Excessive oestrogen exposure throughout your menstrual cycle is thought to be a primary cause of menstrual irregularities. Oestrogen is a strong hormone. It lowers your metabolism by suppressing thyroid function and by storing blood sugar as fat.

There is usually also an underlying medical condition such as Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOS), Fibroids, Endometriosis & Thyroid Imbalance that needs addressing.

There are many things you can do to improve your periods. Getting to the cause of it is the answer.

If you are suffering from period problems, you may find that addressing the areas above will help you to get things back into balance.

With personalized tonics to heal you, professional support to guide you and knowledge to empower you, the energy and inspiration to turn your health, life and weight around is at your fingertips.

But you don't have to continue to suffer. There is something that you can do to support your hormones, feel better and shed that stubborn weight today!

It's now time to get your whole body health back on track with my simple and powerful 90 Day diet.

I understand and I know how you feel. Many women have come to love my program and with over 30,000 hours of clinical naturopathic experience, I know you will get results.

You know something isn't right. You know it shouldn't be feeling this way. You know you should have more energy and you should feel better.

And now you can.

When you discover how to support your hormones with a healthy, 100% natural hormone balancing diet and targeted treatment strategy, you will see and feel the results!

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Your Intensive 90 Day Diet ...

Your Body Needs Help!

My 90 Day Diet is designed to boost your body with the RIGHT foods and nutrients to help you FINALLY get better again and lose the weight.

It is your turn to finally end the constant battle with your hormones and win the battle with your weight.

Want to know more?

Why is the MassAttack Natural Health and Weight Loss Program different?

What Does My Natural Health and Weight Loss Program Include?

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