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Migraine Diet

Is Your Headache Caused By Hormones (published Living Now Magazine)

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Does the battle of the sexes apply to headaches? We're all a little guilty of using the phrase "not tonight - I have a headache". It's a convenient copout phrase that gets us out of walking the dog, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn and basically doing those things that we know we should do. Unfortunately it’s an innuendo expressing a reflection of low libido in females. But does this excuse extend to male folk?

A whopping 60% of us suffer from headaches on a regular basis! So why is it that so many of us endure such annoying and often debilitating pains in the head?

The exact cause of headaches is not known; however there are many theories. One theory is that migraines in particular are caused by a vulnerability of the central nervous system to immediate changes to your body or environment. Migraines may be triggered by several things such as changes in your environment, behaviour, diet, physical condition, or drugs that you take.

There is also research that indicates high levels of adrenaline can trigger headaches. These days we run on adrenaline; we are adrenaline junkies. Unfortunately, we are killing, at the very least prematurely ageing, ourselves. Our bodies are not made to subsist on such high levels of adrenaline, and you hormones will not be at levels supporting optimal health for you. By the time you get to a point where things are out of 'whack', you will find yourself experiencing, tiredness, disrupted sleep, headaches and low libido.

Some of the other most common triggers of migraines are stress, food allergies, caffeine, medications, and lack of sleep, extreme weather conditions, blood sugar fluctuations and hormones imbalances.

Does the battle of the sexes apply to headaches? You bet. Women are more likely than men to experience 'migraine' headaches - although men are more likely to experience 'cluster' headaches.

Fluctuating hormones levels may influence headache patterns. But you're not at the mercy of your hormones. There is help to treat, or prevent, headaches.

Migraine Headache - During menstruation

The drop in oestrogen just before your period may contribute to headaches and increase your sensitivity to pain. Headache is common symptom of premenstrual syndrome, and up to 60% of women with migraines report headaches before or during menstruation.

If you have menstrual migraines, anti-inflammatory support such as Evening Primrose Oil and Omega 3 Fatty Acids is often the first line of treatment. If your menstrual cycle is regular, it often most effective to take preventive headache support such as Willow Bark starting a few days before you periods and continuing through the first few days of your flow. If you have migraines throughout your menstrual cycle or your periods are irregular, it may be better to take preventive mediation every day.

Some women experience food cravings during the premenstrual phase of their cycle. One theory suggests that women who are predisposed to premenstrual migraines could be triggering an attack by the types of food they choose to eat during this time. Foods that have been linked to migraine include red wine, some types of cheese, caffeine and the flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG) and unfortunately ... chocolate!

Migraine Headache - Caused by birth control pills

Some women experience headaches for the first time after starting birth control pills or other hormonal methods of birth control. For others, hormonal birth control changes existing headaches patterns - sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

Migraine Headache During pregnancy

Oestrogen levels rise rapidly in early pregnancy and remain high throughout pregnancy. Migraines often improve or even disappear during pregnancy. Sometimes tension headaches improve as well. After delivery, an abrupt decrease in oestrogen levels may trigger headaches.

Migraine Headache - During menopause

Menopause is another prime time for changing headaches patterns. For most women, migraines improve during menopause - but tension headaches often get worse. Hormone therapy can affect headaches too. Menopausal hormone therapy worsens headaches in some women and improves headaches in others, in just about equal proportions.


Cluster headaches are gender-specific in that they occur predominantly in men of reproductive age. Ninety percent of men with cluster headaches have their first attack between ages 17 and 40; half between 21 and 25 years of age. Since most of the attacks begin at night, these men most often jump out of bed in pain. These attacks may occur for days or weeks. They may cycle every year or every few years.

Men who develop cluster headaches have both a genetic predisposition and low levels of testosterone. Under ‘stress’, the increase in cortisol lowers testosterone levels and precipitates the cluster attack. Testosterone supplementation helps to prevent cluster headaches by keeping the level of testosterone above this threshold.

Men have significant changes in their hormone levels as they age, just as women do.

Testosterone has many direct effects on the male anatomy and metabolism - deep voice, increased muscle mass, and strong bones, etc. It also has crucial, if incompletely understood, effects on male behaviour; it contributes to aggression and is essential for the libido or sex drive.

Similar to the way that women experience drops in sex hormones (for them its oestrogen) as they age, men also see a reduction in their sex hormones, testosterone. In women, the bulk of this drop happens starting around age 50 and then plunges suddenly over a five-year period. It’s called menopause and because the symptoms are so clear (including the cessation of menstruation cycles), there is no question when it happens.

The pace of hormonal changes in men is quite different. Instead of happening in a condensed period in midlife, it starts in the 30s and drops gradually after that (around 1% per year). The slowness of the decline means that the effects can be equally slow to appear and may not even be apparent until well into middle age or older.


Oestrogen dominance is the most frequent cause of hormone imbalances in both girls and guys. It relates to a condition where there is deficient, normal or excessive oestrogen, but little or no progesterone to balance its effects in the body. Here are a few keys to remember about oestrogen dominance.


Every challenge to the mind and body creates a demand on the adrenals. The result is adrenal glands that are constantly on high alert. The adrenal glands are important control centers for many of the body’s hormones. The outer layer of the gland produces cortisol, DHEA, oestrogen and testosterone. The centre of the glands produces adrenaline.

Cortisol helps us meet our everyday challenges by converting proteins into energy. It does this by releasing glycogen and counteracting inflammation. In the short run that’s fine, but an overproduction of cortisol will gradually tear down your body.

When the adrenals are chronically overworked and straining to maintain high cortisol levels, they lose the capacity to produce DHEA in sufficient amounts. Since DHEA is a precursor hormone to oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, that’s not good. You can experience fatigue, bone loss, decreased muscle mass, depression, aching joints, impaired immune function and, wait for it ... yes, lowered libido.

Migraine Headache - SO WHAT ARE THE ANSWERS?

You can beat headaches through good nutrition and supplementation as well as regular exercise. Here are some suggestions.

In most cases, hormones are just one of many migraine triggers. When suffering from chronic headaches, it is important to learn you triggers. Keep a diary that tells the date, time, weather conditions, foods eating in the last 24 hours, emotional stressors, amount of sleep, drugs taken or, if you are a female, where you are in your menstrual cycle. Determining your triggers can take you a long way towards reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines.

Some triggers include:

Once you have eliminated many of the triggers, you may find your headaches are cyclical, if this is so, you may have just discovered that your migraines are triggered by hormones. If you fall into this category, there is hope beyond medication. It’s important to understand that this will require a commitment on your part. Balancing hormones can be a tedious and difficult prospect but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Although over-the counter pain relievers can relieve most headaches, lifestyle matters too. Adopt lifestyle change such as eating healthy foods, increasing your water intake, exercising regularly and keeping stress under control. Practising relaxation techniques and getting plenty of sleep can also prove to be beneficial.

It is clear that many factors work together to bring on a migraine attack. Addressing one factor in isolation may not be enough to reduce the frequency and severity of the symptoms. If you are unsure of which steps to take, be sure you work with someone who is familiar with natural alternatives. They should be able to guide you in your decision making process.

By taking these steps, you should be on your way to improved health with a wonderful side-effect: no more HEADACHES!

Narelle Stegehuis, CEO of MassAttack is a practising naturopath specialising in the research and development of natural treatment programs for women with hormonal imbalances, which have contributed to such symptoms as weight gain, cravings, anxiety and mood swings. Uniquely for patient convenience her programs are also offered via the internet. She is both an accomplished writer and recent recipient of the Australian Naturopathic Excellence Award 2006.

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