Fix Your GUT Health and Lose Weight

Order Your Microbiome Test Kit Now!

Gut Health Check

Good gut health supports weight loss and is the key to feeling lighter inside and out. There’s an easy way to find out. Microba scientists have developed the Gut Health Test to help you understand how your diet and gut health slowing your metabolism.

Get The Whole Picture

Get the whole picture with the most comprehensive microbiome test available. Road tested by CHOICE magazine, when you invest in this award winning test you find out exactly what you need to do to restore GUT health.

Personalised Diet & Lifestlye

 By investing in this test you receive personalized recommendations, including specific foods to eat according your your microbiome. Support healthy hormone balance, cardiovascular health and improve metabolic health.

Ground Breaking Science

Microba is the latest science to test for hidden weight gain causes. It is the link between good gut health and effective weight loss. Your results form the foundation of losing weight and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Research & Technology Featured In


Order Your Test Kit

Contact me below or call 0425 769 344 to order your microba test kit referral