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Hormonal Hell - How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Are you at the mercy of your hormones?

Our hormones undoubtedly have a major influence on our lives; however there is no need for us to be at the mercy of our hormones! Women in particular know all too well how hormones can affect mood and energy, but how many of us really understand how important hormones are for health and wellbeing?

Hormones such as oestrogen, testosterone and cortisol are vital for our health and wellbeing. If these hormones become out of balance we may experience many undesirable symptoms. Each hormone has a very specific job to do in the body, for example:

Oestrogen: A vital part of female health at every stage of life

Oestrogen is essential for healthy female reproductive function. This hormone plays a part in every stage of a woman's life; from early childhood development through to puberty, followed by the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth and finally, through the menopausal years.

Oestrogen: The "good" and the "bad"

Oestrogen is produced by the ovaries and exists in different forms within the body. One of these forms is good for the body, and is essential to female reproductive health; the other is not, and is associated with PMS, menopausal symptoms and other female hormonal issues.

In order for the body to stay in a healthy hormonal state there needs to be more of the "good" oestrogen and less of the "bad" oestrogen. When the body does not keep these two forms in the correct balance, the body can develop what is known as "oestrogen dominance" which may result in the following symptoms:

Hormonal harmony may be achieved through natural medicine

Luckily there are many natural substances which may help to maintain a healthy oestrogen balance, including:

Mum was right, broccoli is good for you!

Broccoli and other members of the Brassica vegetables, like cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts, contain a powerful ingredient known as indole-3-carbinole which also helps to keep a healthy balance between the "good" oestrogen and the "bad" oestrogen.

To help achieve a healthy hormonal balance, all of these herbs and nutrients are now available in a convenient supplement form - just ask us today!

Don't become a slave to your hormones - take control of them today!

As well as theses great natural supplements, the following dietary and lifestyle changes will also help keep your oestrogens in balance:

Every woman at every stage of their life should use these diet and lifes tyle ideas and the natural medicines discussed as an ongoing support for healthy hormones .

If you are concerned about your hormones, then come and see us to discuss the range of options available to help you achieve hormonal harmony.

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