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Menopause - Early and Premature Menopause

Understanding Early Menopause


Premature or early menopause occurs before the age of 40 years. This may be brought on by medical treatments such as chemotherapy or surgery, or have no obvious cause. Approximately one per cent of women experience menopause before the age of 40 years. This is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian failure (POF).

Menopause occurs when a woman stops ovulating and her monthly period (menstruation) ceases. Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age around 51.


The symptoms of early menopause are the same as for menopause at any age and can include, menstrual cycle changes, including changes to the usual bleeding pattern, Hot flushes, Sweats, Urinary problems such as incontinence or increased frequency of urination, dry vagina, mood changes, weight changes, aches and pains.

A range of causes

Early menopause means the woman's ovaries have spontaneously stopped working before she has reached the age of 40 years. Women can be affected in their teens or early 20s.

Some possible causes include:

1. Unknown causes - or idiopathic ovarian failure.

2. Induced menopause - due to medical reasons, such as cancer therapy or surgery.

3. Autoimmune conditions - autoimmune disease such as hypothyroidism, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis.

4. Genetic conditions - such as familial ovarian failure (FOF) and galactosaemia.

5. Viral infections - a viral infection, such as mumps or cytomegalovirus, could trigger premature menopause in some women.

Natural relief for menopause

Naturopathic relief for menopause is successful and we have helped many women overcome their symptoms and achievemaintain a healthy body weight naturally.

With personalized tonics to heal you, professional support to guide you and knowledge to empower you, the energy and inspiration to turn your health, life and weight around is at your fingertips.

But you don't have to continue to suffer. There is something that you can do to support healthy eating patterns, feel better and shed that stubborn weight today!

It's now time to get your whole body health back on track with my simple and powerful 90 Day diet.

I understand and I know how you feel. Many women have come to love my program and with over 30,000 hours of clinical naturopathic experience, I know you will get results.

You know something isn't right. You know it shouldn't be feeling this way. You know you should have more energy and you should feel better.

And now you can.

When you discover how to support your body and reduce menopausal symptoms with a healthy, 100% natural diet and targeted treatment strategy, you will see and feel the results!

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Your Intensive 90 Day Diet ...

Your Body Needs Help!

My 90 Day Diet is designed to boost your health with the RIGHT foods and nutrients to help you FINALLY get better again, overcome your symptoms and lose the weight.

If you have menopausal symptoms and if you sit back and do nothing about it, then you will gain weight and continue to feel unwell no matter how hard you exercise and how little you eat.

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