Fibromyalgia Foods

Nutrition for your fibromyalgia and diet information

Fibromyalgia Diet

90 Day Diet to Improve Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Do you feel trapped by symptoms such as pain, fatigue, stiffness, headaches and anxiety?

If you do, we're glad you've found us and we are here to help you to take charge of your health.

Fibromyalgia refers to pain that is felt in the non-bony or 'soft-tissue' structures around the joints, such as muscles and tendons and the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia is difficult. The symptoms of Fibromyalgia vary a great deal. People with Fibromyalgia often complain of varying degrees of muscular pain, stiffness and fatigue.

  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Stiffness
  • Increased Headaches
  • Facial Pain
  • Abdominal Discomfort
  • Irritable Bladder
  • Numbness
  • Chest Pain
  • Poor concentration

Women across the globe have successfully managed their fibromyalgia and there is growing evidence that an individually tailored self-management program, where people develop techniques to control their own symptoms, is the most effective way of dealing with the syndrome.

The Key to Self-Management is Education which gives you the power to take control and to make informed life-style choices.

  • Medication
  • Physical Therapy
  • Exercise
  • Herbs
  • Nutritional Support
  • Dietary Changes

Are all beneficial in the management of fibromyalgia. The cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown and it is a syndrome that is discussed and debated often in the medical and scientific community.

Overseas studies indicate that various types of syndromes where people have these symptoms, including Fibromyalgia, may affect up to 4% of the population. This figure would make it one of the most common causes of musculo-skeletal pain in the community. There is evidence that FMS is triggered in pre-disposed individuals by such precipitants as illness, physical trauma to the body, or acute emotional stress or chronic trauma.

FMS also seems to run in some families, although no genetic component has yet been identified.

Fibromyalgia Syndrome simulates diseases i.e. Raynauds, thyroid, sinus and eye diseases. Factors such as excitement, stress, infection, over-exertion and pressure of over-pacing, for example, may cause the symptoms to fluctuate.

Permanent remissions do seem to occur in a minority of patients. Otherwise symptoms tend to run a long-term fluctuating course. What causes the problem to persist or resolve remains uncertain and is an important area needing more study/research.

Knowing there is some support can help people with Fibromyalgia and their families cope better with the condition.

With personalized tonics to heal you, professional support to guide you and knowledge to empower you, the energy and inspiration to turn your health, life and weight around is at your fingertips.

But you don't have to continue to suffer. There is something that you can do to support your fibromyalgia, feel better and shed that stubborn weight today!

It's now time to get your whole body health back on track with my simple and powerful 90 Day diet.

I understand and I know how you feel. Many women have come to love my program and with over 30,000 hours of clinical naturopathic experience, I know you will get results.

You know something isn't right. You know it shouldn't be feeling this way. You know you should have more energy and you should feel better.

And now you can.

When you discover how to support your fibromyalgia with a healthy, 100% natural hormone balancing diet and targeted treatment strategy, you will see and feel the results!

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Your Intensive 90 Day Diet ...

  • Identifies & address the underlying causes of your fibromyalgia
  • Explains the importance of healthy diet for fibromyalgia
  • Identifies genetic weakness
  • Provides a direct referral for further testing and interprets the results
  • Applies a 100% natural targeted strategy to assist fibromyalgia
  • Helps to restore natural balance in just 90 days!

Your Body Needs Help!

My 90 Day Diet is designed to boost your body with the RIGHT foods and nutrients to help you FINALLY get better again and lose the weight.

It is your turn to finally end the constant battle with your fibromyalgia and win the battle with your weight.

Want to know more?

Why is the MassAttack Natural Health and Weight Loss Program different?

What Does My Natural Health and Weight Loss Program Include?

What services does MassAttack offer?

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