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Cellulite and fluid retention

A Warning Sign of Hormonal Weight Gain

So, what is cellulite? The fatty tissue immediately below the surface of your skin rests on top of (and is bonded to) a firm layer of collagen connective tissue. Before cellulite shows up, the outer surface of the skin is smooth and supple (no bumps and no ridges). The skin is smooth because the surface of the fatty tissue just below the skin is ALSO smooth.

The fatty layer just below your skin is (and remains) smooth and supple as long as the fat cells remain strong, healthy and flexible.

The dimply, bumpy texture we call cellulite begins to occur when the structure of the fat cells begin to weaken. When the cell walls weaken, the cells begin to "sag" and this "sagging" is what accounts for the "orange peel" look of cellulite. The weaker the cells become, the worse the sagging and the worse the cellulite.

Cellulite becomes worse due to Free Radical damage caused by toxins. Free radical damage is avoidable and measurable.

So why do women complain about cellulit more than men?

One of the reasons women complain so much about cellulite and men do not, is because cellulite is thought to be provoked by an excess of oestrogen or oestrogen dominance.

Elevated oestrogen also leads to fluid retention breast tenderness, and can contribute to that puffy look under the skin. As we have discussed, an excess of oestrogen tends to slow the activity of the thyroid gland reducing the metabolic rate. It also encourages the body to store fat, contributing to the development of unwanted cellulite.

My 90 day Intensive Program assists in removing toxins, free radical accumulation and restores natural hormone balance.

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